Connect and Relate Parent Group

We aim to provide an informal opportunity for parents to meet together to share information, recount success stories and lend support for each others journey as a family parenting a child diagnosed with ASD. There is also an opportunity for parents of young children to meet fortnightly for a playgroup Monday mornings – dates can be confirmed by phoning The Connection Zone (3162 9491) to enquire about when the next group will be held.

WHEN: 1st Monday each month
7:00pm – 9:00pm (drop in for as long as you can)

WHERE: The Connection Zone
4/67 Dunsford St

WHAT TO BRING: Please bring something small to share for supper and a gold coin to cover tea/coffee

RSVP: PH (07) 3162 9194

Nerida Maclean
Mob: 0407 175 209
RSVP by text or phone or just drop in