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Phone: 0413 617 609
About Me
“ Having my own child diagnosed with Autism I decided to embark on an intensive ABA home-based intervention programme.
It was during this period I realised there was something missing, something not quite right. My son was used to structure and routine, he knew the answers to a lot of rehearsed questions yet if there were any small changes to this structure or routine, he would have a Meltdown. It was at that moment I knew there was a critical piece of the puzzle missing”
– RDI is often described as “the missing piece of the puzzle” in the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Kathleen’s warmth, passion and confidence shine through as she has worked alongside some of Queensland’s leading Autism agencies, schools, and kindergartens. She has been a board member for numerous companies and heads Blue Sky Foundation, a Foundation she founded to help families and individuals with a neurogicial disorder
Kath is a Certified RDI Program Consultant with RDI Connect.
Kathleen works with and supports families in Brisbane, the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast areas.